sábado, 24 de maio de 2008

What are they doing?

1 00000000000000002

3 0000000000000004

5 0000000000000006

8 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

esta fixe setora

Anónimo disse...

1-Alison is sleeping.
2-Bill is cleanning.
3-Bill's father is window wash.
4-Molly and Mrs.Jordan is do the washing up.
5-Jonathan is cooking.
6-Anne is ironning.

stora espero que esteja bem!!!


Anónimo disse...

1- Joan is sleeping.
2- Alex is cleaning.
3- Greg cleans the window.
4- Mother and daughter is washing up.
5- Mr. Bean is cooking.
6- Sam is ironing.

ana paula pinto disse...

Andan por aí alguns erritos (poucos), vamos lá a descobri-los!
Bom (resto) de fim-de-semana!

See you tomorrow!

Anónimo disse...

Stora eu vou inventar nomes como o Hélio e a Juliana:

1-Alison is sleeping.
2-Joe is cleaning.
3-Mr. Jordan is cleans the window.
4-Alison and Mrs. Jordan is washing up.
5-Robert is cooking.
6-Linda is ironing.

Stora as imagens estão muito divertidas, principalmente a última. Obrigado pelo seu apoio no blogue só para nós percebermos melhor a matéria que da-mos. Isso o que a Stora está a fazer agrada-me, e o Stor de Matemática.

xau beijoca, até quarta-feira!!!

Anónimo disse...

1- She is sleeping.
2- He is cleaning.
3- He is cleans the window.
4- They are is washing up.
5- He is cooking.
6- She is ironing.

Anónimo disse...

stora eu vou escrever correctamente:
1-Alison is sleeping.
2-Bill is cleaning.
3-Greg cleans the windows.
4-Molly and Mrs.Jordan is do the washing up.
5-Jonathan is cooking.
6-Anne is ironing.

beijinhos stora se alguma coisa estiver mal diga.

Anónimo disse...

1-She is sleeping.
2-He is hoovering.
3-He is cleans the windons.
4-Emeliy and Dora they are is washing up.
5-He is cooking.
6-She is ironing.